Weekly Events
Currently, we are meeting in-person and by Zoom.
Church School - 9:30 am - Classes for children and adults
Fellowship - 10:30 am (There is no fellowship snack on the 1st Sunday of each month)
Worship Service - 11:00 am (Open Communion* on the 1st Sunday of each month)
Click here to join us online by Zoom.
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ky38KqvMO
Meeting ID: 821 6471 7686, Passcode: 704734
*We serve the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to all committed followers of Christ as a visible witness
of loving Christian fellowship and shared remembrance of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.
(Doctrine and Covenants 164: 4a)
We invite all visitors to participate in this sacrament as an expression of the faithful unity and
love exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ in whose name we worship.
First Thursdays of each month at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner - all are welcome!
Our lay clergy are available for the various sacraments of the church: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Blessing of Children, Administration (prayer for individual concerns), Evangelist's Blessing, Ordination to Priesthood, Marriage.
Church School - 9:30 am - Classes for children and adults
Fellowship - 10:30 am (There is no fellowship snack on the 1st Sunday of each month)
Worship Service - 11:00 am (Open Communion* on the 1st Sunday of each month)
Click here to join us online by Zoom.
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ky38KqvMO
Meeting ID: 821 6471 7686, Passcode: 704734
*We serve the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to all committed followers of Christ as a visible witness
of loving Christian fellowship and shared remembrance of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.
(Doctrine and Covenants 164: 4a)
We invite all visitors to participate in this sacrament as an expression of the faithful unity and
love exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ in whose name we worship.
First Thursdays of each month at 6:00 pm
Potluck Dinner - all are welcome!
Our lay clergy are available for the various sacraments of the church: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Blessing of Children, Administration (prayer for individual concerns), Evangelist's Blessing, Ordination to Priesthood, Marriage.
Community of Christ
14601 Pennsylvania Road
Riverview MI 48193
Community of Christ
14601 Pennsylvania Road
Riverview MI 48193